Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day Three: Short Run

Today was another petite run through the streets of Madrid.

3 miles!

I am following a strict schedule thanks to Hal Higdon, marathon trainer and runner extraordinaire. Hal Higdon provides me with a weekly schedule of how many miles I must complete each day. There are usually two short runs, a medium run, a long run, a cross exercise (yoga, abs, etc), and rest periods. This three mile was my short run. As the weeks keep going, the short to medium miles become incredibly easier.

Its like easy mac... so easy.

Anyways-- here are three photos during my 3 mile run.


Mile 1: "Why are you so sweaty?" "I was watching cops"

If you didn't know, the title for this mile is thanks to Step Brothers and it is so perfect for this post.

Madrid has this incredible law enforcement system. I think that men send in some headshots to headquarters of police hiring and then women sit in a circle and pick the hottests ones. Honestly, if I could sit down with a police officer and ask them a few questions they would consist of the following:

1. What are your actual credentials?
2. Do you workout often?
3. What is the hiring process?
4. Are you also a male stripper?

Enjoy this photo. -------->

It was the only one I could take without looking obvious. It does the booty justice. (is this even legal?)

Mile 2: The Hideaway 

The next mile I took myself out of Gran Via, the main road in Madrid, and traveled to this nice little pathway surrounded by trees. This was actually hidden off to right at the end of a little road. You would have never realized the road would end into this park like area. The road was silent but was surrounded with small shops on either end. 

As the road came to an end, it slowly transitioned to this beautiful pathway.

To the left of the pathway was this small river. Very small. It went down for about a mile and a half. I had to get off this path as soon as possible though. The pebbles and stones were difficult to find traction beneath my feet. I felt like I was concentrating more on not twisting my ankle then the actual running.

We all know how easy it is for me to trip, fall, and hurt my ankle... we didn't need to add another to the list. Another important part to this mile was that a group of bearded police officers were there to greet me at the end.

It is too bad I didn't have time to voluntarily arrest myself.

Mile 3: A Beautiful Sight 

I somehow perfectly timed this run because I ended up in the park close to my apartment. I usually begin in this area but find more interesting things to take pictures of. This is why I have not mentioned it yet!

Finally, I can describe this park to all my fellow blogger fans.

This park is right off of Gran Via. On the first day of our arrival Grace (my brave best friend who has decided to deal with me for a month abroad) and I decided to go for a run. We saw this park on the cab ride in and thought it was much bigger.

Its not, it is about half a football field.

So that first day, not knowing where anything is, Grace and I ran around it like... 15 times. Then, at one point we gave up going in circles and went separate ways. We agreed to meet back at this fountain an hour later.

Funny story about that first run: 
As our time was coming to an end I started making my way back to the fountain. It was an hour later and I could not find Grace... I kept running around to check and see if she was somewhere else.

The moment my song on my IPod came to an end someone comes from behind me and SCARES THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME. 

That someone was Grace. So thanks Grace for letting me poop my pants in the streets of Madrid.

So really, this mile I was just replaying that nightmare in my head. Wondering if maybe Grace was lurking in the background ready to pounce at any time.

Well, thats the end of run three! Talk soon my homies.


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